Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Usefull Heritage

It seems that my little truck is a bit "vulnerable" at the moment.

And I demonstrated that very point quite clearly the day after I got back to Vancover with it when I casually managed to lock the keys in the truck while I was messing about with the door at work during lunch time...

My initial response to the situation was "Well, that was dumb! ... Now what ?". Cos I only had the one door key at the time ... Yes, its on my list of things to do promptly, but you cant get key blanks for cars from 1972 very easily any more!.
So, I considered calling the Auto Club(though I dont have a membership so it would be a costly option) for roadside assistance, but decided that would be a last resort...
After all, Im originally an Australian... And Australia (and consequently all current Australians) was originally populated largely by Britains criminal classes...
Its one of the three basic criminal skills... Safe Cracking, Jail Braking, and Car Stealling... I should be genetically pre-disposed to solving this problem with ease!
I just need to let my native instincts "do their thing"..

So, I stop and think for a minute or two and I decide that what I need is a "slim jim", which is the standard locked car entry/stealing tool... Hmmm, dont have one and I dont know anyone who does.
Hmmm, well, before they had those, they used to use... a coat hanger!... But Im at work, not at home... Not to worry, Im sure there is a closet somewhere in the building, and where there is a closet, there is bound to be a coat hanger! A quick walk around the cubicle farm office area locates a closet... and Yes! At one end of the closet are a few old wire coat hangers :)

So, back out to the truck and look at the problem.
It seems to me there are a couple of approaches to this... I can either try to pull the lock mechanism up by sliding the coat hanger down between the window and the door panel, Or, I can try to pull the "lock button" up by sliding the coat hanger in sideways between the window frame and the truck body... I try the first option, but it does not want to go because all the window felts and seals are new and well fitted... and I really dont want to scratch the paint!.... So, I try the second option... Hmmm I can get the coat hanger through OK, but its a bit tricky to hook onto the button... I pull the coat hanger out and bend it this way and that and try it again... Almost but not quite... Pull it out and bend it a bit more... Try again and "pop!" its unlocked!!!...

Wow, that was way too easy!
It took me only about five minutes to do that from scratch, and Ive never done it before!

I think Im gonna have to put a club-lock on the steering wheel and put a kill-switch under the dash quick smart!... Auto security was definitely not that well developed back in 1972!

... Hmm I wonder what other uses I will find for my genetic heritage? :)))