Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rolling South Again

Well, we didn´t just abandon JL. :)
Ron and I were headed back to Creel to locate the new clutch cable being shipped in (which JL had organised by phone from down in the bottom of Copper Canyon) and also to meet a couple of Ron and JL´s friends who were riding in from California. Once Ron and I had ascended back up into the mountains from Batopilas, we again enjoyed the long windy asphalt road to Creel but at a slightly lower pace (for me anyway). In Creel we located the shop where the clutch cable was meant to arrive and checked in - no cable (more or less as expected).

So we had food and beers and then went to our respective hotels where we each had our gear stored.
The next morning I headed over to Ron´s hotel to see him off (since he had to head back to California ... Well whatever is left of it after the fires). We did another check on the cable and it wasn´t there again, and then we spotted a couple of likely looking riders in the street.
This turned out to be the nefarious Californian friends - Teryk and Andy. There were the usual "Hail Good - Fellow Well Met" greetings and catch up chat and they were appraised of the situation with JL and then Ron rode off into the North.
Andy and Teryk spent the day recovering from their mad dash South from California and working on their bikes (tire changes etc). Then sometime that day the clutch cable did roll up, so all we were missing was JL. We had vaguely expected him to show up the previous evening on the back of a pickup with his bike (he was arranging this when we left him in Batopilas), but he never showed.
But this is Mexico and schedules tend to slip a bit so we expected him again this evening... Again he didn´t show, so we decided to send Andy and Teryk down to get him.
So next morning they rode off and I pottered around the area of Batopilas and hiked around a lake etc. The next day I frittered away again, expecting them all to show up in the early afternoon. They did eventually show up but it was in the evening. It turns out that the new cable was for a different bike and was too short, so they had spent a long time working a temporary solution (JLs KTM now has drooping sports handle bars!) before they rode up the hill. Andy and Teryk had rescued JL just in time though because he was out of money and had to ration himself to a single banana for breakfast.:)

But, they were all safe now anyway and we had dinner and beers and Maragritas and went off to our Hotels.
I had now been in Creel way too long so the next morning I rode South again. I hope to cross paths with these guys again later in my trip (they are all great people) but for now I am riding alone again.

I rode East out of the Sierra Madre mountains and the road was really slow and windy but mostly good quality. I rode all day and got to where I planned but didn´t find a cheap hotel that I could stay at, so I was left riding slowly along the highway in the twilight looking for a place to camp - Oh well, this was nothing new from my time in the USA.