Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Other Ride

The registration/insurance on my motorbike ran out yesterday. Ive done all the work on the bike that I need to get done now (just need to change the tires for winter riding) so Im not going to reinsure it for the moment.

Instead I will reinsure my other bike that has been sitting unused in my garage for over a year. It is physically much smaller sport bike (Suzuki SV650) but it has the same engine as the bike I took on my big toure.
This bike however is all fun, and is far from practical... but to my eye it is beautiful, and fun to ride.
The riding position seems very cramped to me at the moment (after so long on the big touring bike) but Im sure I will get used to it.

Its so clean and shiny compared to my other bike that I was almost afraid to take it out on the street.... somehow I managed to overcome the fear :))