Im just festering away here in Cartegena with my friend Greg (the guy who got the Dengue fever).
It seems that pretty much all the yachts that can take motorbikes over to Panama are currently anchored on the other side... In Panama... And it also seems that we are at a very "low ebb" as far as tourists wanting to sail the San Blass islands are concerned.
We have sent emails off to various captains asking what their plans are, and the soonest any of them is likely to be departing here for Panama is the 12th of June!... Thats nearly a two week wait!
... And oh by the way, thats the same captain that I mentioned a while back that I really dont want to sail with. But, I think Im well past the stage of being "selective" about my options, and if Im still here at that time, Ill be glad to take passage with him :)
Weve become so desperate that we are actually engaged in trying to "coax" a different captain to come back to this side specifically to pick us up by offering to pay more than he usually charges... (Its the same captain that I sailed South with a few months ago, and hes normally cheaper than the others because his yacht is not quite as "pretty" as most others... but it works OK, and thtas enough for me) ...
And its looking like it may just work... But we wont know if hes coming till tomorrow morning, and even then it will be two or three more days till he gets here.
(all pictures by Greg George... since I still havent replaced my camera)
So, in the mean time, I eek out an existence here filling my time in the hot sticky days by alternating the simplest of activities with meals and showers etc...
For example, todays big activities were to have a hair-cut, and to get some stickers made of national flags to decorate Gregs panniers (very exciting; yes?)
Tomorrows plan is to get some "business cards" made for Greg (to give to people when you meet them rather than always scribbling email and blog details on scraps of paper)... But, I think we may also decide to "splurge" and spend big bucks on some Salsa dance classes... Though Im rather hoping that the dance class provides female partners cos while I like him a lot, Greg is just not "my type" :)