Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Russian Bare!

She's still here!
... At the Hostel in Cartegena where Im staying...

There's this older Russian tourist.... and I have to admit, Im afraid of her!!!

She must be in her early fifties. Shes short (maybe 150cm) and rather stocky... Thats not the right word, but lets just say that mass wise, shes equal to at least two of me!
... And given her proportions and age... Well you know, anatomy tends to drift with gravity etc.
This is all normal and fine, but Im challenged by her personality... She seems like quite a nice person and is certainly an interesting character given her age and her origin and the fact that shes travelling around the Americas in hostels...
But, it seems she's afraid of silence, and if you even so much as make more than momentary eye contact, she will immediately start a conversation with you, and will not stop talking unless you are talking... Its happened to me twice, and there is just no way out! She needs to hear talking to be happy... Needless to say, Im a very different sort of personality and I like silence.
... So I now have to avoid her as much as possible for my own piece of mind.
But, Im not the only one... I also see most of the other people who have been here more than a day or two with big smiles as they walk past the table where she is again earnestly engaged in conversation with one of the new arrivals (who usually have a slightly bewildered look on their faces) ... It seems we all know whats going on,but no one is prepared to "sacrifice themselves" to save the poor victim :))
I hope she finds someone who likes to talk soon though, cos I really do think she is a nice person with nothing but good intent.

But she also has some other behaviours that are challenging for everyone else in the hostel too(its a bit of a talking point around here). She seems rather "immodest" compared to other peoples "dress standards" and her evening fashion attire consists of a single worn and thin wrap that seems somewhat "ill proportioned". And so everyone walks around with eyes carefully averted for their own comfort...That wrap only manages to cover the bottom third of her breasts with its top edge, and the bottom edge is likewise disturbingly high up on her thighs!!)

But, for the first few nights here (before I rode off to Turbo) I was in the same dormitory ( mixed dorm with eight beds) as her, and at night, her immodesty becomes more blatant!
I dont know about you, but waking up to the view of her asleep, completely naked, and "spread eagled "on the bed nearest the door of the dorm was "more than I was prepared to deal with" in the mornings ! (Trapped with no escape!)

So, this time when I got to the hostel and saw she was still here, I had to specifically ask for a different dorm... Which the staff obligingly provided (along with "knowing" smiles and chuckles !)

On a long trip like this, you get to meet all sorts of other travellers from all sorts of places in the world.
And because you get to meet so many of them, you end up forming sort of broad impressions of the people from specific countries... Sort of a "Generalized Characature" if you will.
Now, Ive written a post or two in the past in which I expressed my own personal dislikes about the "charicature" that Ive formed in my head of certain sub-groups of travellers, and it didnt please some of my readers "one little bit"!

This post is however about a single individual, and I certainly wont be generalizing about their nationality because in all my recent travels Ive not met anyone else from Russia...
Im not sure why there are so few Russians crossing my path, but it at least seems clear that they simply dont do much travelling in the Americas :)

No, Thats not a spelling error in the post title.
And, Yes, Im "very afraid" of the Russian Bare!