Sunday, October 5, 2014

Pictures from the Holy City of Jerusalem

I see huge numbers of Israeli flags flying all over the place and especially in "outpost" locations in Palestinian areas... Nationalist fervor is stronger here than Ive seen anywhere else that Ive traveled.

I see far fewer of the Palestinian flags and Ive only seen them in the Palestinian areas... Though Ive only been to Hebron in the West Bank so Gaza and the Golan heights may be quite different.
An infestation of feral camels in the city! :)
 The main attraction in Jerusalem is of course the three major holy sites in the Old City...
Dome of the Rock (Where Mohamed flew too on his way to chat with god)... Holy for the Muslims
Church of the Holy Sepulchre (houses the last five stations of the Passion of the Christ)... Holy to Christians
The Western Wall of the Temple Mount (Last remnant of the platform that had the temple containing the arc of the covenant... Built by King Solomon in the first Hebrew kingdom)... holy to Jews.
There are so many churches and mosques and synagogues and assorted historic and holly sites that its not possible to mention them all so Im just gonna share some pictures of stuff...

One of the 12 stations of the via doloroso... This is where Christ's body was embalmed/anointed.
 The dome above the Holy Sepulchre



Went to a market to get some food before the complete shut-down of the Jewish Yom Kippur holyday. 


... and back to more religious sites and stuff...

An obscure little basement church... Been there for about 2000 years :)
One of the gates into the old city.




A Greek Orthodox church.
The Old City wall in the Muslim quarter

The Jewish Cemeteries...The Jews like to be buried here because its the place closest to the location where the messiah will arrive on earth at the end of days... or something like that :)