Monday, June 30, 2008

North by Northwest

My bike is running again, and I'm out of time and excuses.
Its time to hit the road and head North (well NNW actually).

I haven't thought about the route much but the basic plan is to head North into Mexico and then NorthWest to the coast and then follow the coast North from there. My bike chain is quite badly worn so Ill see how it goes and keep an eye out for a bike shop that may be able to get me a new one (mostly the bikes around here are 250cc or smaller and big bikes are very uncommon).
If things go well then Ill hop over onto the Baja peninsula for the top section of Mexico and Id like to stop again in Page, Arizona for more photos;- no hard plan now though.

So its goodbye to Marie, and Marni and Indy and the others and good bye to Lake Atitlan and San Pedro and Guatemala too.

Tomorrow morning I hit the road!