Its a sleepy little village on the shores of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala.
In the big picture, Guatemala is the country just south of Mexico. It is a small, very mountainous, tropical area with a large population of indigenouse peoples (Mayan).
Lake Atitlan is a large aincient volcano caldera that has filled with water. It is located roughly in the center of the south west quadrant of the country. Which is in the middle of the mountan chain that runst through the country (The same one that starts as the Rockies in Canada and runs all the way down through North central and south america to end at Tierra Del Fuego).
Since the lake is up in the mountains, it means that the climate here is a very mild version of tropical, so it really doesnt get that uncomfortably hot. Its also protected and lower than the mountain plateaus so it doesnt get uncomfortably cold either (They too had snow here this week up on the plateau!).
The lake its self is about 8km x 15km in size, and there are about a dozen or more villages on its shores. The largest town (Panahachel) is quit touristy and is the best connected to the countries highway system. Santiago is the next largest town and is not very touristy (though it is legendary for its Easter celebrations). Then San Pedro is probably the next largest and has a significant tourist presence, but its a very "laid back" sort of a place and thats why Im here. The other villages around the lake are much smaller and most transport between the smaller villages is by launch on the lake.
Thats the basics of where I am. Ill do another post on the township soon but here are some pictures in the mean time :)
Now back to thinking about what Im going to do here to try to cover my costs....