I am now successfully at my destination in Guatemala.
The journey south was not too bad. In fact the drive down from Vancouver to Setac airport was probably the worst bit... The fog was insanely thick! Its been an interesting winter in Vancouver, with record snow falls (and duration of snow on the ground), followed by more than a week of dense ground fog... but thats all behind me now.
The flight from Setac was at 6am and dropped me in Huston around mid day after a lovely flight past the local volcanoes and over the snow covered Sierras etc.
Then there was a six hour stopover in the airport in Texas while I waited for a connecting flight - not fun, but not a problem.
Then the flight to Guatemala city took another few hours and I arrived there at 11pm or so.
At this point I had to break out the rusty Spanish again and try to figure out how to get to Lake Attitlan... I got a cheap (but not too cheap) hotel for the night and a taxi to the bus in the morning.
Then it was about a four hour ride on the local "chicken bus" through the city and then the mountains of the countryside to get to Panahachel which is a big touristy town on the lake.
Then it was a twenty minute boat ride across the lake to San Pedro... my destination for the present.
After that, I set about finding a couple of friends that I know here and after a couple of hours of chats etc., it was time for me to get some sleep - Id actually been awake for more or less two days straight when I got into Guatemala and I still needed to catch up on sleep.
Now to figure out what the heck Im going to do with myself down here...
Hmmm Traditionally, this is a difficult thing for me to solve!
I´ll get right on it!