Saturday, April 18, 2009

The "Special"!

I went out to dinner the other night at a nice little restaurant here which I have been to once before. It was mid-week and it was quiet, which was a pleasant change after the "tourist saturation" of Semana Santa the previous week.
Anyway, the waiter did a good job on selling me the evenings special which was Dorado. It is an ocean fish rather than the lake fish that are the usual fair here.
The meal was fine :)

However, about an hour and a half after the meal, I "embarked" on an all night session of "purging" the meal from my body... Through every available orifice!

And then I spent the next day laying around with zero energy... I have no idea what the toxin was but it made my entire body ache intensly... Not just the abdominal muscles from the dry retching; Everything!....Even my skin hurt!

No one to blame but myself though. I should have known better than to order the "fish special"...
It was special alright!

When Im living many hours from the coast in a developing world country...
"Fish special" indeed :)))