Thursday, April 2, 2009


Thats the name of the wind around here at this time of year (its a Myan dialect) and is pronounced "Chocomil".
The wind is usually blowing from a different direction, but it has now changed direction and this is the indicator of seasonal change... This wind brings the rainy season.
And indeed, yesterday there were a few sprinkles of rain in the late afternoon. It has been getting cloudy in the afternoons for a couple of weeks now but no rain till yesterday. Over the next couple of months, the pattern will get stronger, with fine sunny mornings and cloudy afternoons with rain in the afternoon/evening/nights. The rains will start as sprinkles and then showers and then downpours as the season progresses over the next several months.
Its about a month early this year it seems but I dont bother trying to predict either the weather or the stock markets these days, so as usual, we´ll just wait and see :)

What else is new...
Well, I just moved house from where I have been to a nice hotel room nearby. I had to move out because the family needed the room I was in for visiting relatives.
I could have moved somewhere cheaper but I decided on this place because it has a great view of the lake and is somewhat isolated from the rest of the hotel ... more tranquility.
Another reason is that it is located right next door to that house I was considering buying. Since I have not been able to rent the place yet, this will give me the opportunity to see if I really do enjoy the "lakefront lifestyle" as I think I will.
Im in the hotel for a month so that should be enough time to see how I feel.

On the real estate front, there have been a couple of opportunities to rent (at very low rates) small lots of land for five year leases and then build what I want on them...The down side of course is that I have to walk away from whatever I build in five years. This has not felt like what I want to do, so at least that is clear.
There have also been a couple of opportunities to buy pieces of land, though not the right size/location combinations as yet.
However, the most recent opportunity actually pushed me toward being more prepared to pay the big money for the big house that I posted about earlier. The lot in question was very small (12m x 7m) and had a rather ratty local house on it. It was a good location with both residential and commercial possibilities. The problem was that the seller wanted way too much for it (no big surprise there)...But that just highlighted the value in the bigger place... In my mind, it has more than ten times the value of the other little place but the price is probably only about five times as much. Im absolutely sure that the smaller lot is well worth buying if the price asked were cut in half....and that means that the bigger place is currently very good value.....hmm its so hard to tell what reality is from inside my head :)

As usual, more thinking to do!
On the motorbike front, it has been "quiet as a grave" for about the last ten days! There are just so few tourists around at the moment. It comes and goes like that without reason it seems, though next week is expected to be very busy around here since it is "Semana Santa" which is Easter.
I certainly hope I get more rentals soon since this "not renting motorbikes" thing obviously lets my mind wander into dangerous financial ground :) ... I am currently only "not renting" three motorbikes, so I can just imagine what my mind would get upto if I was "not renting" five bikes!