Friday, June 26, 2009


As anyone who is still reading this blog has probably noted, the posts over the last six months or so have had quite a bit less "content" than they had previously while I was touring.

As I occasionally state, this blog is mostly for me but if others get value out of reading it then I am happy to share myself.
And I freely admit that my thought processes are not always that flattering to me...
But Im just a person and Im still learning and growing ... And one of the most effective ways I manage to grow is by watching the world and watching myself...
And the more honest and diligent about that "watching", the more I learn about me and other people and the world and life :)))

But, one of the side effects of being in one place is that you develop assorted relationships with the people living around you. And we humans are all very social creatures...
And the rules of acquiring "social credit" in our human societies are that you dont actually get to say what you think. Even if you make it very clear that these are just observations of the moment from your current perspective and that they will change etc... It just doesnt matter.. People cant take it!

We all have massive egos and we all get immediately offended when someone says something that conflicts with our self-image or the image we have of one of our friends or whatever. If the comments conflict with our own views, we immediately get angry at the person expressing the dissident opinion and defend or attack or whatever!

Im no different here than anyone else.
Its completely hypocritical of course since we all have these types of thoughts about other people, but we just cant handle it if we get to hear those thoughts expressed by others :)
If we did express those thoughts publicly then that "social credit" that is oh so critical for our society to function would evaporate very quickly!

And thats why I have not been able to write down a bunch of stuff that has been going on in my little head since I stopped touring. You see, while I have not advertised my blog, I do tell people about it from time to time and some of them even read it from time to time. And the longer I am in one place then the more people that includes, and that means there is less and less stuff that I can write about (Well, that is if I want to retain any "social credit")...

There have been a couple of posts in the not too distant past that I have "crossed the line" with and dared to state what my thoughts were... (Actually I only ever dared to put the mildest of thoughts into print).
But, Id "crossed the line" and some people didnt like that I was honest about what my thoughts were and that I wrote stuff that they felt differently about. It didnt matter that it was clearly just my observations about life and was from my perspective at the time, or that I didnt mind if other people had different opinions... They felt compelled to strongly express that I was wrong about "this" and I should never write "that"... and I got the requisite "feedback"... and burned up a bunch of that social credit!

And the social function of this feedback was of course to "push me back into line" with the social norm' of keeping any of my "less than flattering" thoughts about others to myself.
The people giving the feedback didnt think of it that way though... They were of course trying to convince me that I was wrong and that they were right... It of course doesnt matter that they all have their own less than positive thoughts about others that are just as biased by their perspectives as anyone elses...
All just normal human behavior really :)

But, thats mostly coming to an end very soon now.
Im going touring again...
And I will be alone again, which will have its own challenges but which will allow me much more freedom to write what I think.

Of course, its still not a license to write all my absolute honest thoughts down... (that would get me arrested and locked up in a psych' ward for sure!)
But it will give me far more freedom to share my "observations" of life as I live it.

And so, as usual, please keep reading if you enjoy it and stop reading it if you dont! :)))