Saturday, May 23, 2009

Girls with Bigguns!

I was going to give a couple of girls a guided tour around the local roads the other day but another couple of tourists came along and wanted to rent a bike at the same time.
I didnt want to waste the early part of the day since it rains every afternoon here and on this particular day, it was already quite cloudy so I knew the rain would be earlier than usual.
Anyway, I sent the two girls off on a bike to an easy to get to view point for about a half hour, while I dealt with the other tourists.

As expected, it took me about twenty minutes to get the other renters on their way and then I headed up the hill on another bike to find the girls and start the tour.
The road I had sent them up goes to a neighbouring town about 20Km away but I always tell people to not go beyond 12Km because there are some thieves (with guns) that live out there and they rob people (seriously!).
So, I was riding out along the road and wondering how far the girls had gone... further than I had expected it seemed...
And coming the other way I saw a big black and gold Police pickup truck. Nothing too unusual there but these guys are the federal police (not the local municipal police) and they are all dressed in paramilitary black uniforms and they always carry some really serious looking assault rifles wherever they go (they exude "Black Karma"!). Ive never had any problems with them and I waved as I rode past... and they all had really big smiles and waved back...hmmm thats a bit unusual...but nice :)

And then about two minutes later I met the girls coming back on the bike. We stopped and I soon discovered that they had attracted the attention of the police and that they had been stopped and "interogated"!...

And this is what it looked like...

Clearly there are some advantages to being a white skinned femal on a motorbike down here !
And a good time was had by all :)))