Nice colonial house-become hostel in Granada Nicaragua
The "Fat Cat" at the Hostel!
We gave it the nick-name of "The Obeist" :)
Nice place to sleep:)
Went past the same place on the road where they were selling captured wild birds as pets again... Still the same... Still makes me sad :(
Then on into El Salvador for a very quick visit... But Ive not been here before so we'll just see what its like... Actually its pretty much the same as Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua as far as I can tell... maybe a little wealthier though... But thats likely just due to the small size of the place and the higher effective population density?
Whatever the case, as far as I can tell, there is virtually zero land that is in its natural state... Its all being farmed.
Current model bullock cart that they use down here!
Another Customs line-up at yet another boarder crossing... Seen so many of these now that I dont remember one from another!
And more "wildlife sellers", but this time its Iguanas and Armadillo... I feel sad again :(!
All through the Pacific coastal region of central America there is lots of evidence of very recent flooding and rain damage ...there were several really big bridges that were "just gone" and constant evidence of recently cleared mud slides on the roads (like every 100m for several hundred Km!) It seems that this rainy season is a "strong one"!
Big bridge completely gone!
Coast in El Salvador
Bullock carts are still a very relevant means of moving stuff around down here :)
More road work repairs
Church in the middle of a wash-out/flood zone
Mud slides on the road
But, eventually, I made it back to good old San Pedro and now Ill rest up for a bit and deal with some of my stuff that I left here :)