Im back in the USA again.
And both the bike and I are grateful for that for the simple fact that there are no "Topes" (speed bumps) here. The darn things are every where in Mexico to keep traffic speeds down (which they do very effectively I might add). Actually, they started to fade out there in northern Mexico (Chihuahua and the other North most states) as the highways got better but they were always there.
A rolled-over truck on a highway just South of the boarder in Mexico... Actually, I saw about four of these in the space of about five hours the evening before I crossed back into the USA... Not sure why there were so many but they were "dropping like flies" !
But here in the states, the roads are wide and clean and Suuuuppeerrr Smmoooooottthhh :)
Down in Mexico Im usually about the fastest thing on the road, but up here Im definitely the slowest thing... Everyone flies along here at 120+kph. I go at about 90kph cos Ive still got that 14 tooth front sprocket on and it means the bikes top end speed is reduced by a bit...
No problem though, Im happy to take it easy :)
But Ive come up into Arizona through the Sonora desert and its hot out here!...
Another cactus..."Prickly Pear" This variety has a nice purple tint :)
And Im heading North and now Im in the Mojave desert and its even hotter!
The thermometer on my bike went up above the old 100degF point at about 10am in the morning... And by about 1pm it was above 115degF and it stayed around 118degF until about 7pm!
Its scorchingly hot!... I spent more than my whole regular daily food budget of $12 just on drinks trying to stay hydrated! The air is so hot that I physically can not ride with my helmet visor up... The hot air whithers my eyes instantly...
And I cant even ride around with my gloves off (which I did for a few blocks while I was in a town)... The air is so hot that with the wind pressure of riding at above about 50Kmh, it physically burns the skin on the back of my hands to the point where I cant take it!...
... Its like standing near the door of an open metal furnace!
Im thinkin Im gonna sit the heat out if its like this tomorrow and ride in the early morning and night!
We shall see I guess :))