Pretty much as soon as I crossed the boarder into Panama, all the little "resortlets" disapeared! There are very few of them here in Panama. And its not as if the landscape changed... Its still lovely tropical green jungle and farms. The services etc are about the same too... lots of new cars (though I have to say that the drivers are amongst the worst I have encountered!) on good highways and plenty of "first world" quality stuff... It seems that both tourists and country are happy to avoid each other...
Actually I think its just a different class of tourists here, and they have been here for many decades. There are lots of older more monied type tourists around the city, and I think they are less into the "resort" life style... It seems that they prefer the luxury city hotels :))
One thing I have noticed here in Panama though, is an inordinate number of flags flying. There were lots in CostaRica too, but there are even more here... I have no idea why, but Id guess that the two countries are having some "nationalistic rivalry".
Its either that or someone has attacked them recently and they have wrapped themselves in the flag, are claiming god is on their side, and are about to commit some horrific international punitive atrocity in the name of justice and freedom!.... lets hope not !!!
But even if its just the "nationalistic rivalry"... That sort of behaviour seems completely pointless and small minded to my way of thinking.
I have never seen any country in my travels that was not very (truthfully, overly) proud of its history and its national identity... And I have no problem with this... its good to remember your roots etc.
But it seems to go hand in hand with the attitude that their country (whichever one it is) is way better than the neighbouring country; And that they somehow therefore have a higher moral virtue of some sort.... And I think thats just Bunk!
Its this silly "separateness" thinking that is the exact equivalent of individual ego at the national level... and we know what foolishness difficulty and devisiveness our egos usually generate for us. I bet I know what causes most international wars! ... That ego critter!
Note however, that is different to internal wars which are usually about revolution, which is about ridding ones self of an oppressor... and often results in the "independence" and creation of new states... "separateness" thinking again yes?
Well, yes, but I have a little less problem with the idea of ridding ones self of an oppressor.
The only problem with revolutions is the delusion that the people that we replace the opressor with ("our" people rather than "their"people) will be better somehow.... And the truth is very clearly born out by history a thousand times... Our own people will just as happily oppress us again, and just as badly!!!
Again, when will we learn to stop screwing each other over???
..... But, I digress :)))
So, if they want to wave flags then what can I do :))
Actually, I was thinking about Panama today because it is an "independence day" holiday today. And I had no idea which particular independence it was... They have so many here...
Not even considering what went on before Europeans got here...
There was independence from the Spanish Conquistadores
Then there was independence from Colombia
Then there was independence from the French (who did most of the building of the Canal)
And most recently, there was independence from the Americans (who finished the canal)
I have to admit that the Panamanians have had to do a great deal of separating to become themselves :)))
So, Im here in Panama City now.
When I arrived, I tried to find the hostel I was at last time... It was two years ago and I was following people so I didnt really pay too much attention to the route.
Needless to say I became pretty much instantly lost!
I then did what most men I know do which is to "consult my internal compass and inertial navigation system" (as opposed to most women I know who would insist on getting hold of maps or street addresses etc). I then proceeded to "wander around" for a bit in directions that "felt right"...
And I predictably stayed quite lost :))
Then the skys opened up and it poured rain, so I pulled off the streets under covered parking, and with nothing else to do, I got hold of a phone directory to try the alternate system... But, The hostel was not in the book!... And there was no one with internet nearby...So I asked some couriers in the street if they knew of the place... still no luck!
Hmmm. So then I tried asking about a hotel that I remembered being nearby... Trouble was I was not really sure which hotel I remembered (could have been Hilton, or Marriot, or Sheraton).
But I took a guess at it and asked another courier (they were thick in that area)...
... Yes, Yes... Just over there, Take a left, go two blocks...
And so it was! My inertial system had got me to within three blocks of where I wanted to be even though I didnt recognise anything!... Cool :)))
But, problem not solved!.. I made my way to where the hostel was, but it "was there no more"!!
There was just a bare lot ready for construction!
Undeterred, I parked and asked one of the nearby shopkeepers... Yep, gone, No, Moved... where... just over there.... Drive one block and there it is.... Nice !
So, now Im at a hostel in the inner city where they kind of act as go-between for tourists and various yacht captains. The yachts do regular runs between Panama and Colombia, and they earn enough money to live here by taking tourists back and forth between the two countries.
Its easy enough for the back-packing tourists and any boat will more or less do, but its not quite so easy for motorbike tourists. Only the larger boats can take the bikes, so it takes more time to organise. Last time I came through here, my friend Terryk did all the organising, but this time Im on my own and Im doing the running around.
Last time we went on the largest boat doing the run and there were four bikes on the deck. This time however, that boat is not doing the run and the choices are far more limited.
But, after a day or so, I seem to have hooked into about the only boat leaving in the next two weeks or so that can take bikes.... so thats looking good :)))
And Im glad about that too since Panama city is not a very nice place to have to hang out for long. Its very hot and humid, The traffic and noise is terrible. Its very expensive for food and accommodation, and there is virtually nothing "to do".
So if the confirmation goes through tonight, Ill go riding for a few days around Panama and come back just in time to catch the boat (on 5th Dec)