Forget about "Guilt culture" or "Shame culture", or "Favour culture"... What we all need in my opinion is more of the "Peruvian Cake Culture" ! :)))
It seems that "having a piece of cake" is a relatively high priority in the daily lives of many Peruvians.
Seriously... There is hardly a village that I have been to that does not have a cake shop on the main frontage road in the town. And, unlike many such shops in other countries, the quality of the cakes is really very good... I think its because they have such high "turn-over"... It means they get lots of practice making them, and they are always fresh... and really cheap too!
Often times, it can be hard for me to find a "breakfast solution" that I like. Many mornings I have a very hard time finding a place that is open and has something that I want to eat... There is always a shack somewhere selling local style street breakfast (hot soup/stew of unknown and mixed content!), and Im sure its nutritious etc... but I just dont always want to eat that stuff, and especially in the morning :)
But, here in Peru, I dont have a problem... I just find the local cake shop, pick out a slice and get a small juice (in carton, bottle, or freshly squeezed... depending on whats available), and Im all set.
I could definitely do with more "Peruvian Cake Shops" in my life... and "Argentine IceCream Shops" too for that matter... Its way better than Italian Gelato in my opinion! :))))