Friday, July 11, 2014

The Dim Continent

That's what they should call it... Its not entirely dark but I think I understand why they call it "the dark continent" now...
Its because the lighting is so bad in all the buildings!
Seriously, ever since I got here, in all the eight countries that Ive been in so far Ive NEVER come across a "well lit" room!  Im always in such dimly lit spaces that its impossible to read any book with a normal sized font... and you can likewise forget about trying to read a map!
I don't know why the light manufacturers like GE and Phillips are trying to make a new LED light with the equivalent light output of a 100W incandescent light, because there is no chance that anyone on this continent is going to use it... They will only ever use something of between 30 and 60W output and if a single light can be used for a basketball court sized room then all the better...
It drives me crazy some times... You know; when Ive had a bad day and "stresses have accumulated... R\There is a definite risk of an "incident"!

Ill just have to try to keep myself "under control" till I get home... But on that note it reminds me that I really must change the light fixtures in my own living room because its pretty dim in there too

... Im sure its not just another aspect of my fading eyes though... the lights really are inadequate in most buildings here in Africa... really... Its not me, Its not :)