Thursday, September 11, 2014

Kushite Pyramids

I think we all have at least heard the name of an ancient empire called the Kushites, but I also think that virtually none of my friends could say when or where that empire was located in t geography or history… And I was the same.

So, in brief, the Kushites were a civilization from the middle Nile regions (ie modern Northern Sudan/Southern Egypt and they were contemporaries of the mid/later Roman empire (ie from about 500BCE to about 500AD). In earlier days, the this area in Sudan was made a vassal state of the dominant Egyptian empire but as the Egyptian “new Kingdom” collapsed, the Kushites came into their own and even invaded significant parts of the old Egyptian empire.

But the Kushites had taken many of the Egyptian practices and influences into their own culture and they are reflected in many of the remaining artifacts from the empire… Which is why I bring it all up in the first place… While in Sudan I visited a couple of Meroitic archeological sites with Kushite burial pyramids. The pyramids are much smaller than the classic Giza pyramids in Egypt, but they are also much steeper…

Anyway, enough of the basic history stuff that I don’t think even I will remember in a couple of years, and here are a few pictures J