Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ta Dah!

Well, here I am in Cairo and that completes the continental traverse from South to North…


Not that it’s any sort of big deal though… In fact I think for the most part I took pretty much the easiest route possible. I meandered around in the South a bit, and I did a couple of side trips here and there, and there was that rather challenging Turkana section, but all in all, the Southern/Eastern rout through Africa is the easy option. And I chose it because I was going alone and had no real knowledge of what was involved and knew no one I could get the relevant information from… And with those considerations, the trip has I think all worked out pretty well (well so far at least) and Im pretty happy with all the things Ive seen and done.

But, Ive met some people while here who’ve come largely down the Western route from Europe and I have to say I think if I k new then what I know now, that would have been my preferred option… And who knows, one day I may get up sufficient energy and funds to have another crack at it from that direction… But not for quite a while I think. Im pretty tuckered out and am looking forward to a relatively low-key life in Vancouver for a while.

But first I have to get back there, and its not all plain sailing. After a couple of days here in Cairo to visit the museum and such Ill head East into Saini… hopefully to check out some Red Sea Scuba diving J Then its up into Israel and figure out how to ship the motorbike back to Canada… that should be a bit of a challenge J