Monday, July 14, 2008

Coyote Butes

I headed inland on the I-15 to get to northern Arizona. The plan was to go to the Coyote Butes area again and to retake some photographs. Id been to this area on the way South and was absolutely blown away by the beauty of the sandstone landscape. I felt Id got some of the best pictures I had ever taken while there and I was really hard hit when I managed to lose my camera (lose/stolen - hard to say) with the memory card in it somewhere in Mexico.

So, after a quick stop at Starbucks ( just for the hell of it) and to see tiny little women driving enormous sparkling Cadillac SUVs... to remind me that I'm back in the "promised land" :).
Then I got me a day permit and drove into the restricted area (only 20 people per day are allowed into the sensitive area).
Now, I admit that the day was not as good for photography as last time (more cloud), but it turned out that I was not nearly as "moved" by it this time.
My thinking on this is that:
1) My standards for "amazing" have gone up since last time I was here.
2) I have changed since last time and this sort of thing just isn't as important to me any more.
3) I'm all "amazing'ed" out from my travels and just cant appreciate these things the way I did on the ride South.

In truth it is probably a combination of all three things but I think the strongest factor is number two and that I am now somewhat different. Back in my past I used to really care about photography and I took lots of pictures on every trip. Then, when I moved to Canada I didn't take many photos for a long while but I still really enjoyed good images and I would endeavour to take good pictures whenever I went on a big trip or to a special place.
That was how I was feeling when I set out on this motorbike ride.
But, now, as I ride back North, I find that it just doesn't matter and that if I lost every picture I have from my past including this trip and everything before, it wouldn't really bother me!

I guess that's good in the non-attachment area - but really, it just doesn't matter to me :)

The images are a bit of a repeat of stuff I took last October but what the heck - here are some more pictures of the same stuff - Note, photography is not as good this time cos' I didn't put the effort in -sad really! :)