There are about 50,000 people here not 10,000...That explains the enormous amount of traffic.
There are plenty of gas powered vehicles running around the place here...Its under the clause of "mutant vehicles" - If you decorate the vehicle, then you can drive it around...So there are lots of outlandish vehicles trolling around in the dust :)
There are some slightly anachronous things here... The first being internet! I figured this "event" is all about people "connecting" with people... and of course internet is for connecting, but its that "modern" version of connecting with people remotely rather than with the people who you are actually with at the time... Not sure I think it fits, but I got no problem with it.
And then the big one, There are no sales of anything but ice here (and that makes sense to me)... But there is one exception, and that is the very large central Espresso Coffee Bar where you can buy all the fancy cups of coffee you want!
Yep, Its all about "radical self reliance"... except for your coffee needs!
That makes no sense to me... but what the heck... its not my festival :))
And, my neat little sun screen for my tent worked fine for the first day but was then promptly torn to shreds by the strong winds over night....
Oh well, so much for that idea. I guess Ill just have to sweat it out in the heat for the rest of the week!