Monday, September 21, 2009

Once More Dear Friends...

... Into the Breach...

Yep, Its time for me to "set sail" again.
Ive been here in Vancouver for a couple of weeks now since the Burning Man trip.
Ive got the bike all fixed up again (brakes are fixed and spare parts are purchased and packed on the bike)
Ive got myself a guide book for South America and a few maps.
Ive replaced my side panniers on the bike with new aluminium ones that are larger and narrower than the old ones.
Ive gone through all my travel stuff again and left some things out and added a few new things.
Ive visited the bank and arranged my monies (actually my debts) so I can get what I need while Im on the road.
Ive visited as many friends as I could...

... and I think thats about it!
The air here is getting cold now even though the sun has been shining beautifuly, and if I hang around much longer, Ill be riding south in the rain... and thats no fun!

So Im hitting the road.

The goal for this "expedition" is a simple one...
To ride to Ushuaia at the very bottom of South America. On the way, Id like to see a few "star attractions" and Id like to see a bit more of Central America - since I breezed through too quickly last time. And thats about it!

I dont have a route planned.
I dont really have a schedule (though I think it will take about nine months),
I think I will be riding back north after I get to Ushuaia but I dont really know.
And I dont even really know what will be the end point of the trip (San Pedro in Guat', or Vancouver Can'?)

But off I go...
... and your welcome to keep reading my blog if it keeps you amused :)