We sailed from a little town on the Caribbean coast of Panama called Portobello.
It was a very significant port for the Spanish and has a colourful history of attacks by pirates etc (as any of the significant port towns in this part of the world do!).
There are attacks by Captain Henry Morgan and Francis Drake etc, and the town has a small museum and some significant colonial fortifications including a large number of old iron cannon (about 12' long and with a 6" bore). Apparently, about 1/3 of the entire worlds gold and silver passed through this one little port for several decades in the colonial years! In fact, this town is where (Sir) Francis Drake ("Pirate" to the Spanish, and mercenary contracted "Knight of the Realm" to the British - but without doubt one of the most distinguished marine navigators in history!) chose to make his home and his grave is located on a small island at the entrance of the harbour.
Another claim to fame is that the local church (also from colonial days) has a large Christ statue (with the usual cross on his back) but this one has the Christ as a "man of colour" ... which to me seems quite reasonable as all the locals have dark skin too and, well, as far as I can tell, pretty much all of the details associated with the man seem to be pretty clearly fabricated by the catholic church... so why not have the local version in a form that the locals can really relate too? ... And there is again a small museum dedicated to this somewhat unusual incarnation of Christ.
Other than that its a sleepy little coastal town. There is barely anything going on at all, but the couple of local tourist shops (there were only two) had monkeys tied to their front verandas by strings. I got to get up close and let them climb on me a bit... hmmm quite strange little creatures... not at all human, but intelligent and inquisitive, and clever little hands :))