Its actually the first accident that Ive ridden past where the people involved were still there in all my recent motorbike travels... And in truth, the first time ever Ive ridden past a fatality with bodies visible...
I would have expected it to have happened much sooner in life but I guess Im glad it hasnt :)
Sorry for the details but there is a point...
In this case, the rider appears to have chosen a very large truck to tangle with and by the look of it, it was quick. There was a rather crumpled motorbike in the opposite lane and an "intact" though a bit distorted body on the road with a more or less useless helmet on and a significant pool of blood. The rider was a early twenties Colombian male (statistically he was probably very "normal" as far as motorbike accidents go). More than that I could not tell, and I rode by without gawking as that is never an appropriate thing to do.
But, Id rather have had some time to see how it affected me...
As it was, I have to say it was more or less as expected... I felt very little if anything other than a solid urge to pay more attention as I ride.
Lots of people Ive spoken with say they have strong emotional responses to this sort of situation. Others say they dont... I dont know what it means but I suspect it would affect me more if people were injured badly rather than dead....
But for the present at least, it appears that "Dead is Dead" and there is little more for me to do other than ride one carefully.