Sunday, February 14, 2010

Out of the Tropics

Well Im now no longer in the tropics.
And Im over half way down Chile to (its over 5000Km long).
Ive left the really arid northern areas and am now South of the capital Santiago in the central valley of the country.
There are low mountains toward the coast, high mountains toward Argentina and nothing but fruit orchards along the road sides. And most of the fruit is grapevines... I guess that accounts for all the good cheap wines from Chile :)
There really isnt that much to see here and Im glad to be moving quickly... But there is also really only one North-South road and its the Panamericana and its very nice but there are toll stations ever 50Km or so and its quite expensive.

The whole country is expensive actually and Im back to camping to try to control costs... And that means blog posts are gonna be few and far between to... Not because of expense, but I have to go looking for internet cafes now... Damn wealthy countries with everyone having internet at home !

Thats it for now... gotta go find a camp site in someones field.

Should be down in patagonia in two or three more days