Well, Peru has some of the worse roads that I have ridden on. Im not talking about the little dirt back-roads - They are bad everywhere; Im talking about main roads... Highways and secondaries.
This one in the pictures was a real pain. It was alternately paved and not paved, but it made little difference. The potholes just had harder edges in the paved sections... And its not like you can avoid them either (which you often can on a motorbike by picking your line carefully). This road was so completely potholed that there was No "good line". You just had to suck up the bumps... This is really hard on the bike and I was worried that the pannier rack will break again!
As if in acknowledgement of the poor quality of the road, a few Km after this picture, there was a road crew with big machines that were ripping up the surface completely (paved and non paved alike) and then rolling it flat. So after that, it was just a wet dirt road to ride on :))
Then it was back to beautiful smooth highway through the alpine country... Lots of open country and lakes etc... really nice riding.
More Llama pictures... They come in such a wide range of colours and patterns... Itd be easy enough to pick one out to suit your decor... whatever your tastes :)
Actually, thinking about Llamas etc., Its really fortunate that there are so many species of fluffy animals up here on the altiplano... It means that the people who live here have plenty of options for staying warm... snuggling up with them, or making clothing from the different fur/wools etc...
And the fact that the animals are fluffy also means that they stay alive without help in the cold (otherwise the people would have to look after them lots).... yeah, It all fits together so neatly... Its almost as if it was designed this way... Like.. Some thing is "going on" !
Took a few photos in another small town market...
The pumpkins here were really wrinkly! They are about as wrinkly as many old women that I see around the place down here... But, Id feel way too intrusive if I took pictures of the old women, so I took pictures of the pumpkins instead ... That'll have to do, and you will just have to use your imaginations :))
And, they have an amazing variety of potatoes down here. My favourites are these little speckled pink and orange ones... Im told (by several people) that they have an aphrodisiac effect too.... If anybody wants me to post them some, then just let me know :))