Monday, March 1, 2010

I know what that Crack was!

You know how I said when I crashed back in the mud that I heard/felt something in my upper body go crack...
Well, I think I know what it was now...

I didnt feel any sort of aches or pains from anywhere but my shoulder for the first five days or so. Im pretty sure that the damage there was from the end of the clavicle separating from the shoulder blade. It was back in place solidly so there is nothing to be done about that other than to wait for it to heal by its self and take it easy in the mean time.

So, things were fine for a week or so but then one morning when I tried to HEEAAVVE my bike up onto its centre stand, I got a sudden and intense pain in my back under the same shoulder blade. It was really incapacitating and I was in lots of pain and could barely get my bike off the side stand to the upright position for the rest of the day.
It hurt when I breathed, and it hurt when I tried to pull on anything with either arm.
It has been dissipating very slowly for three days now but its still there... kinda in the middle of one shoulder blade at the back.

Im pretty sure its a cracked rib cos it is not going away like a spasmed intercostal muscle (which is the only other likely possibility I can think of).
I think it was caused by my shoulder blade being driven across and inward by the crash... and the rib in question got "flexed" around the bottom edge of the shoulder blade... too far it seems and it cracked.
Why no pain till almost a week later?
Well, my theory is that the injury was caused by a "compression" load and when the crash was over, everything just moved back to where it should be and no tissue was torn or displaced. But, then when I tried to do the "big lift", it was a "tension" load and things got pulled out of place in the other direction... And this time the tissues around the cracked rib got damaged when it flexed the other way.

Thats my current theory anyway.

If it is a cracked rib then again, there is nothing to do but to wait for it to heal... And thats about six weeks for a young healthy adult... Which probably means eight or nine for someone of my age!

Bummer, but I can ride and do most things... Just need to be sure not to fall off again for the next couple of months ...
For now, "It only hurts when I breath" :)))