Saturday, March 6, 2010

Thoughts about "The Big Ride"

Ive been thinking about this "Long Ride" that Ive been doing.

And, that nasty and legendary "ruta cuarenta" is really only a few days long, and its also being paved very rapidly... There were big work crews on long sections of it.
So, for any aspiring adventure tourers out there who are considering a trip down here on a motorbike... If you want to ride ruta cuarenta as it is then you had better get on your bike and get your back-side down here within a year or two... Id lay very good odds that it will be fully paved within five years!

Im gonna turn around tomorrow and head back South for a day to go over to the Chilean "Caraterra Austral" to ride North over on that side of the continent for a few days... Same kind of thinking... Itll all be paved in a couple more years.

But, that said, there really is not that much to doing it... The big trip I mean...
Honestly, its really just a test of your determination... You dont need a big bike, you dont need lots of skill. You just need time and will!
Realistically, you could ride pretty much any/all of the roads to get from Alaska to here on a 100cc scooter.
Sure, it would take you a bit longer to get here, but I swear it would be easier to deal with a lot of the tough roads on a small, light bike.

There are plenty of people who have done this ride and who like to live it up as being super-tough "hard men" but, the truth in my opinion, is that they are just self-aggrandising!... A little old Granny could do it! Really,

Clearly though, that "will to ride" for months on end is something of a rarity and not to be scoffed at... Though Ive also met lots of riders who are doing it "a piece at a time" over several years... Fitting it into available vacations!
Its not the same "journey" in my opinion, but they are out there riding and they are living their dreams, so I have nothing against it :))

Get out there and do it !... Whatever it is that ya gotta do! :)))