Monday, March 29, 2010

Literary Litany

Well, it seems that I have hammered out 400 posts over the last two and a half years!
Thats one post every two and a half days or so.

Ive spent about 15 months of that time on the road in that time and about 15 months in "fixed" locations... I clearly post more when Im travelling though - There's more "stimulus" I guess.
And my posts seem to cover the full range of my "passing thoughts", though as yet I dont think Ive more than "mentioned in passing" "The Supermodels" (out of consideration for their privacy of course... They lead such otherwise public lives you know), so there is clearly still plenty more "material" available.
I think Ive more or less avoided repetition, but my memory is so sieve-like these days that it is bound to happen sooner or later... Sorry in advance! :)

But regardless of travelling or not, thats quite the literary litany!
It seems that I am all too happy to air my oft' ill-informed opinions, and I admit that it has been mostly an act of selfishness that has resulted in this mass of verbiage. :)

Oh well, its not as if Im advertising my blather... You read it if you want to and ignore it if that feels more comfortable :)
Of course, almost no one knows that my blog exists, so my "gems of wit and wisdom" are solely for you privileged few to enjoy.

So, for the time being, my blog languishes in literary obscurity... But one day Im sure it will be be recognised as the work of greatness that it truly is... ;)
Until then, I shall prattle on at length, random, my own perril... choose the ending that you like there .

Love to you all, ... you both, ... you, .... the world :))))

p.s. I have noticed my tendency toward alliterative post titles... Ill watch that and try not to let it get out of hand!