Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Sipi Falls

Why did I go around the back of the mountain... To go see Sipi Falls...

And very nice they are too... Three tiers of quite high water falls coming off the cliffs around Mt Elgon. I went for a hike the next morning and had a look around the place .

Found yet another Chameleon in the coffee plantations

A couple of goat kids playing around a local hut.

And then I rode on to the town of Jinja on the shores of Lake Victoria... Its the source of the Nile river! and its quite the little tourist destination with all sorts of adventure activities... I figured I may as well participate a bit so I went white water rafting for a day here...
the rafting was fun and the rapids are pretty big... with lots of grade5/6 sections (Grade 5 is very big and serious and Grade6 is "high probability of death" type stuff for individual kayaks or rafts).
We were all fitted with good helmets and life jackets and plonked into large rafts with upto 8 people in each... Even with these big rafts and heavy loads, every group got flipped several times during the day and the waves were easily 3-4m high :)))
It was lots of fun and I didn't really feel like it was that dangerous since the guides were pretty competent and we all went through the rapids in places where things were relatively containable... And when we did flip there were lots of guides in little kayaks to come to our rescue and collect lost paddles etc... Id have to say I recommend it as a trip.
I didn't have a waterproof camera so I didn't take any pictures and then official camera man on the trip wanted $80 from a raft to sell the pictures he took... Not enough people were interested in spending the money, so the trip will just have to be memories for me... Well, assuming that the litre or two of dirty Nile river water that I swallowed does not have any lasting effects on my digestive tract :))
... On to the next destination!... Just not sure what that is at the moment... Guess Ill figure it out tonight.