Tuesday, August 12, 2014

These Roads Were Made For Riding

After an afternoon in the city and some contemplation on the darker side of our being, I decided Id ride further West to see the shores of Lake Kivu before heading back North and over the border back to Uganda in time to go see the gorillas… So on my second day in Rwanda I went for a ride.

… And what a ride!

Did I mention that the roads were really good quality… smooth and flat and no pot-holes or other surface issues!

Did I mention that Rwanda is known in a local language as the land of a thousand hills (which by-the-way is a massive understatement… by several orders of magnitude)!

Did I mention that there is virtually no other vehicular traffic on the roads… at any time of day!

Did I mention that the country-side is consistently beautiful… with terraced fields and little terracotta villages dotted about and undulating hills disappearing to the horizon in all directions?

And I know I have not yet mentioned it but there are virtually no “traffic police” about either and the ones that are about don’t seem to pay much mind to what large tourist motorbikes are doing anyway J

… And as far as motorbike riding goes, those five things make for what is in my opinion some of the most enjoyable/exciting/rewarding motorbike riding on the planet!... Yep high praise from me but I think well deserved!
 You are constantly riding through beautiful terraced farm land

Kids catching a ride up a hill on a slow truck!

Hills disappearing into the mist in all directions

 perfect pavement and curves...

and more curves...


Ive never heard anyone else mention it in blogs or magazines etc (tho Im not that involved in such things) but I stand by my words… I think the roads of Rwanda are one of the best kept secrets and least known treasures of motorbike riding routes in the world   

Pure moto-ecstasy! J