Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Something Not Right in Rwanda

After the second day in Rwanda Id more or less gotten over the bliss of the great moto-touring roads and the uncharacteristic cleanliness of the roadsides… And I started to notice some things that didn’t quite feel “right”…

First off.  There are no “Old” people… not anywhere!... Now I admit that my age-guessing for Africans is not nearly as good as for Europeans or even for Asians now that I live in Vancouver, but seriously, I swear there are less than 5% of the population here who are over 45 years of age???… And that’s just plain wrong!

Second.  The whole country seems shiny and new… nice new roads and new public buildings everywhere you look… But there are also a vast number of village hoses that are shiny and new too… and they are not small village houses that you would expect a simple country farmer with a few chickens and a couple of goats and some banana palms and corn growing on a 50m square lot in the hills would have… No, these are BIG houses with half a dozen rooms and architectural roof lines and shiny new roof iron and gutters and steel doors and concrete stucco… These are mansions!  And its not one or two either, its 75% of the buildings in every village I ride past???

 No farmer with a few goats and some banana trees can afford a home like this!
See what I mean about the sheer number of new houses in the villages!

This is what a real farmers house looks like...
And this is what a real farmers village should look like! 
All those shinny new roofs on shinny new unoccupied houses.

Third.  There are new houses everywhere but there are virtually no private cars at all… People get about the place either on foot or on the back of small taxi-motorbikes. And petrol is not that expensive, in fact its cheaper here than it is in neighbouring Uganda and there are lodes of other vehicles on the roads there???

… Something is not at all right here!!!

I spent my third day paying more attention and thinking and asking a few questions of people and this is what Ive come up with so far…

The lack of elderly people is real and is apparently due to a combination of things but mostly due to AIDS and the few years of post-Genocide famine and lack of medical services. But whatever the cause it makes for a society without elders and that has pros and cons (no strong traditions which means the culture is unstable but can also result in rapid change that would otherwise be resisted) . And on the “flip side” I notice that there are vast numbers of children all over the country. I mostly notice in the early mornings and afternoons when they are all along the sides of the roads in their school uniforms walking to and from school. Its good that they are attending school which absolutely was not the case 10-15 years ago… The social systems were not yet back up and running and the children were just wandering about and getting into trouble… But on a darker note, if the “breeding” continues at this pace there will be BIG problems because the country simply does not have space and food for too many more people… Its about 12 million people at the moment in an area of about 25000 sqKm… that’s world class population density!

The new houses in all the villages seem to be a bit misleading… A bit more careful looking shows that while the big new houses are a very high percentage of many villages, they appear to be largely unfinished and unoccupied!... How can that be?  Well it backs up the idea that the true occupants of the villages cant afford such houses and it suggests that the big houses are owned by someone else!... I believe its all land speculation by rich people from the cities. I think that some Rwandan people have recent access to large amounts of capital and have been buying out the village peoples land. But they seem to have so much money available that they are then choosing to build big expensive houses on the properties, completing the houses to “lock-up” stage and then leaving them un-occupied… presumably with the idea of renting or selling them later, but to whom I cant imagine since there is no way the locals will ever be able to rent them let alone own them? 

And this ties in with the lack of private cars on the roads too… If you were to give the general public suddenly increased wealth in some form then I guarantee you would find most families would spend a substantial amount of their new wealth on a car of some sort (particularly men and less so women), but thats clearly not the case here… The spending seems to be exclusively on land and buildings, and NOT on homes that are to be used immediately! And definitely NOT on cars! The only way that happens is if the money is not in the hands of the general public and/or if the “money” is in the form of government subsidies on building materials like cement and steel and corrugated iron sheets (and Im sure that is the case for some of the money since many of the remaining smaller huts that are occupied also have shiny new steel roofs while the hut remains small and made of mud-brick). So, I think there is a HUGE amount of land speculation going on by Rwandans (not foreign investors) who have recent access to huge amounts of money!

This looks REALLY bad for the people of Rwanda… Not only are the country people being dispossessed of their only asset (their hereditary land titles) to become tenant farmers! But someone has access to masive amounts of money… and that money is in my opinion very very likely to be misappropriated “aid funding” from the international community! Yep, huge amounts of foreign aid have been pouring into Rwanda for the past two decades from the “guilty consciences” of the international community that let the Genocide happen when all the warnings were there to see. You see all sorts of signs declaring this aid fund and that NGO and another social program etc all over the country. And there is no question that this money has done a great deal of good and the country seems to be in remarkably good condition given that it was a total “melt down” just twenty years ago… But it also looks like the “people in power” are doing what people in power are so often tempted to do… doing the best they can for themselves at the expense of others!

… And just one more glance at the possibilities/probabilities leaves me feeling sick in the stomach… truly nauseated…

When the Genocidaires (as they are called) were finally driven out of the country after three months, it was by a group called the RFP… And who were they? They were a group of about 5000 rebels coming from Uganda in the North… They were largely Tutsis who had been displaced in the preceding decades of racial violence and they were funded and armed by the Tutsi minority (formerly the ruling elite of Rwanda prior to the change of power from democratic elections!) So while there was definite justification for rebellion (after 30 years of racially targeted violence), there would not have been violence in the first place  if the ruling “elite” Tutsis had been at all fair to the oppressed Hutus… And so once the Genocidaires had been removed (just to the side-lines because they are still a big active part of the militias and rebels and armies that are still causing all sorts sof strife over in the  DRC where they fled) from Rwanda and things started to get put back together with all the international aid… Guess who formed the new government?? Yep… The Tutsi “liberators”… "Its Déjà vu all Over again!" (yes I know that's a redundant statement... its a quote :) )

This time however there are a few Hutus included in the cabinet of the government and to be sure there are no more racial identities in Rwanda… Not Tutsi or Hutu… They are all just Rwandans… But damn if it doesn’t look like that might be just a little self-serving!.... They cant blame the “Tutsis” next time, They are making sure you cant use that label on them, but to my jaundiced eye, it looks like its more or less the same people in power doing more or less the same self-serving exploitation of the masses as they have always done!... Maybe next time the people will learn that it’s the corruption of the oppressors that’s the problem and not their race! And that the only solution is to drive out corruption and that has to start at the bottom… Don’t Steal, Don’t cheat, Don’t Lie… Same rules for everyone, starting with you and me!

Like I said, the thought of it honestly makes me feel nauseous!... I don’t care how beautiful the country seems at a casual look… I don’t think it will last because as soon as the aid money dries up, those corrupt people in power who are used to milking the “aid goat” will want to maintain their funding supply some other way… and that will mean the money for public service and infrastructure will no longer make to where its supposed to go and the general public will once again be “milked” for all they are worth! And though this is all just speculation, its not as if it hasn’t happened before or wont happen again L

I hope Im wrong, but I think the writing is on the wall!

Something is still definitely not right in Rwanda! 


p.s.… And I strongly recommend that the international community cease pretty much all material aid (not counseling, monitoring or volunteer aid tho) to Rwanda as soon as possible… It is materially already substantially better off than Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania,,Malawi, and, Mozambique as far as I can see!