Friday, January 29, 2010


So, I rode back to the coast, the way I came.
Its over two different mountain ranges, and both of them are over 4500m in altitude.
It took all day the first time, and it took all day on the way back too.

The countryside changes constantly and Im not too bored, cos things look different when you go through them the other way around (like reviewing your life in reverse order! :) )

There are a bunch of general photos below, but the main interesting things to me were, the variety of "Camelids" I got to see !
There were lots of them :))

I saw many many heards of Llamas...

And their smaller, cuter, and woolier cousins the Alpacas...

But I also got to see lots and lots of Vicunas which are the wild relative of the Alpacas (small and delicate and cute and wooly, but drab tan in colour rather than the black/white/brown combinations of the domesticated animals)...

And one small heard of Guanacos which are the wild relative of the Llamas (similar build but again,in the drab tan colour)...

So, in the one ride I got to see all of the Camelids in South America... If I want to see more then Ill have to go to Asia to see Bactrian and Dromedary camels :)

Here are a few more pictures of the ride over the mountains today.