In this case Im talking more about our own "truths" rather than secrets, but it seems that the combination of a "Blue Moon", a "New Year" and a few drinks will loosen the toungs of just about any traveller...
I spent pretty much the whole of new years night chatting with many of the people in the hostel... Till 4am in the morning! Im not sure why but I seemed to get "the whole thing" from just about everyone I sat next to.. Or maybe they sat next to me??
But I also seemed to do fairly well at focussing on listening rather than focusing on sharing as I usually do... and that means I do a fair bit of talking. But last night I did better and didnt feel like I needed to put my "truth" out there quite as much as usual, though of course I did share when it seemed warranted :)))
And, truth be told, it seems that most of the young travellers were just about as lost as I am in this life :)))
Maybe thats what lifes for ??
Who knows... But what I do know is that I am rather tired today! But I got up and rode South at about 8am anyway.
I rode to a town called Pasto which I thought was a nice little colonial town but turns out is quite a big city (ahhh that crappy memory of mine again... the nice town was Popoyan which I rode past and not through today).
And everything is shut here cos its the first of Jan... I found a cheap hotel or two but they had no parking and all the parking places were closed!
So then I went and found parking but its miles from any hotels!!!
So then I stopped and had a bit of food and then stood about on a corner till a passer by offered to take me in for the night... (A last dich strategy that worked this time!)
So now Im at some nice peoples house and they are letting me use internet and are generally making me feel right at home :)))))