Saturday, March 15, 2008

Radio Silence

Going into the last week of the meditation course now.
This involves directed meditation/reflection, fasting, and absolute silence. There are four days of fasting with liquid foods only. This is a bit of a pain since I will have to spend time in a crowded and poorly equipped kitchen turning recognizable foods into slurry! It gets easier on the fifth day though because then we are only allowed water :)
The intent here is to make one take a good hard uninterrupted look at ones self. The fasting also messes with your body chemistry a bit and gets your brain working in ways that it otherwise would not.
Ive never really tried this sort of thing deliberately before, but I must admit that I have had probably three or four day periods when I was climbing mountains solo that have been in complete silence and with very little food so I don't imagine that it will be too much of a problem.
Whatever the case, "I'm going along for the tour" and there will be no more posts for about a week.

We´ll see how it goes.