In my traveles, I quite often head off the paved roadfs and onto the gravel, and sometimes onto real 4WD tracks too.
But often times when the pavement ends part way along a road and the rest is gravel, our thoughtfull road maintenance departments put up a big sign just to let us know that from here on, its not paved.
But when Im not in the modern civilized world such signs are absent, and actually its not always clear where the pavement ends and the dirt begins...
Sometimes its like the potholes start as occasional...
Then thers a few more...
Then ther's lots of them...
Then the potholes sort of start to gang up and there's more of them than there is pavement...
Then the pavement just gives up the pretence alltogether and is gone!
Other times, the fading is smoother and the pavement just seems to "disipate"...
Its more of a "gradual" effect, and the road sign (if they had one) would probably be better expressed as "Pavement Diminishes", though exactly at what point on the road they would put it, Im not sure :)