I rode through the windy mountain roads one last time in the early morning fog and after a couple of hours I was riding through straighter roads in what I would describe as "savanah" country.
Its open and grassy with shrubby trees scattered through the fields. Its too dry for cropping, so they just raise cattle here. It was pleasant riding surrounded by the long dry grass in the open fields.
And then there were starting to be some splashes of yellow about the place as patches of mini-sunflowers appeared. And then the patches became more prominent and the verges of the road were pretty much solid with the little yellow flowers. And the patches got bigger and bigger until the whole world seemed to have decked its self in its autmn finest and was wearing a beautiful mantle of gold.
It was so nice I just had to stop and take some pictures... Just rode the bike off the road and in amongst the flowers and sat there for a while :)))
From the song...
"... And, you can tell the Sun, in his jelous sky, that I rode in fields of gold..."