Friday, October 2, 2009

The Sucking of Teeth

I just had my first "bad experience" in one of the US public libraries where I regularly stop to read emails and post blog entries.

It was a very small town in New Mexico and as usual I was greeted warmly and allowed to use the internet. However, the computer station was very near the front desk, and the local librarian was a tiny little old septuagenarian woman who was busily working away on her own computer very near by.
Unfortunately, she had false teeth and had also developed the habit of playing with them with her toung while she worked.
This lead to lots of regular sucking and squishing sounds...
Unfortunately also, I am very sensitive to such sounds and I just couldnt stand being near her while she "sucked"...

Im not sure why it is that Im so sensitive to sound but I always have been. I am particularly sensitive to oral sounds from eating and the like, though I have no idea why these sounds get me so frustrated!

So, what could I do... I checked email and then left as quickly and discretely as I could....

On to the next town to find a different library :)