Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dawn From a Dune

As will be a common theme for me, I am not allowed in to any of the national parks on my motorbike... apparently Im a little too "prey sized" for the carnivorous wildlife to be trusted with... but an open topped landrover is big enough to be more or less ignored by those same predators!
Anyway, the rules are as they are and they appear to be "blanket" type rules and are applied in all national parks weather there are predators in them or not.
That being the case, if I want to see the national parks I am restricted to either getting a ride with other tourists in private vehicles or going on commercial trips which means a small bus load of tourists... This was my first such venture, and I trooped along with a bunch of other people to watch the sun come up from the crest of a sand dune... made for some nice pictures and a good bit of leg exercise as well :)
Climbing up the ridge in the pre-dawn twilight

A bunch of tourists sitting on a ridge crest waiting for the sun

Here it comes :)

And here is my pasty white foot against the red sand...  Part of the price of riding around on the motorbike is that I am pretty much completely covered in armoured clothing all the time... Its just not worth the risk to ride around without it... no matter what climate Im in. Im sure the Dermatologists would say its a good thing, but Im not completely convinced :)

The red sand does make for some very nice pictures :)
Now off to look at Dead Svlei...