Friday, May 16, 2014

Etosha Park and some Game

 Well, Ive come to my first Game park... well, there have been some others along the way but this is the first one Ill be visiting to see the wildlife.
Ive certainly seen some wildlife along the way too, but its only been in dribs and drabs... a few Springbok here and a few ostriches there etc... and dodging the odd warthog that scuttles out across the road in front of me.

But Id have to say that on the whole, given the huge abundance of feed available everywhere from the good rains this year, Ive been surprised not to see lots more wildlife... Im told by the locals that the absence of game on the "open ranges" is largely due to it all having been shot into near extinction by evry nob with a gun... No surprise there!!

But, on to the game in the park (which is thankfully more plentiful)
First up are the Springbok... lots of these little guys around

Ground Squirel

Adult male lion sitting beside a kill from a day and a half ago.

Vulture circling the kill

Zebra.. No doubt Ill be posting hundreds of pictures of these guys... These are the Plains Zebras which have Black, White, and Brown stripes  (The much rarer Mountain zebras have just black and white... and the Grevies zebras have very fine stripes and white bellies but they are much further North)

And the Desert antelope... The Oryx...
 And this one is a Gemsbok...
If you cant tell the difference between those two then you are like me... And that's because there isn't any difference, despite what self amused South Africans will tell you :))

 Giraffe ... hiding.

The ones down here in Namibia have quite a dark brown pattern rather than tan.
That's is for the first mornings game viewing, Now I have to go fix a flat tire I got on the bike yesterday evening :)