Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Some Desert Plants and Critters

Just some more pictures of things:

A Clipspringer.. a small rugged terrain antelope.

A terrestrial Chameleon... It can move quite fast and can colour one side of its body differently to the other... good for the sunny and shady sides :)

And for some more plants:
This one is a large ball of green spines

This is a succulent with tiny leaves

This one has little beads of water (under cell skin) all over both sides of the leaves 

This one is a particular varietal that is extremely toxic (you don't want to touch it at all... Its latex sap was used by the San people to poison the tipsof their arrows. Apparently even the dead wood of the stems has the toxin and you cant use it in a fire because the smoke is very toxic.

A local variety of Aloe

Lots of lichen varieties in the stony desert on the South slopes of hills.